Saturday, June 17

Being Considerate

In the fall of 2002, I lived with my grandparents because I left BYU and didn't have anywhere to go. I knew that asking them if I could live with them would be huge and wanted to make sure they said yes. I came up with a list of rules for myself and gave it to them, promising that I would follow all of them. Some of the items were setting a curfew, helping with housework, and always letting them know where I was going and who I was going with.

When I left in January 2003, I could tell that they would miss me. I had been really good to them by cleaning the house, keeping my room clean, and even buying a shower curtain and bathmats in the downstairs bathroom to make it look nice.

While I consider all of the things I did as requisite for any long-term guest, I did them because I love them alot.

Currently, my cousin Ryan lives with them and is almost a complete opposite of me in how he treats them. Ryan has lived with them for about two years and is a complete bum. He comes and goes as he pleases, doesn't come home sometimes, and doesn't contribute towards keeping the house clean.

On Sunday's, people in my family make and bring dinner to my grandparents so they don't have to cook. I don't know if Ryan has ever offered to make them dinner, but I highly doubt it. I've heard from family members that when they bring food over for the grandparents, Ryan treats himself to it.

Why am I going on a rant about how inconsiderate my cousin is?

My grandparents have four lawns in each direction that have to be mowed every week. Now if I lived with them, I would consider it my duty to mow them. Unfortunately, Ryan doesn't and spends his time gallivanting around town and ignoring the necessities that my grandparents need. Because he won't do it, my Aunt Louise came up with a calendar of family members who offered to mow it.

Today, I went over to do the work that Ryan should be doing. I was happy to do it and am glad I can help my grandparents, but I'm mad that the person who should be doing it is not.

I brought Titus along with me and he had fun exploring their yard (especially peeing on every tree!). He's such a good dog that everytime I couldn't see him, I whistled for him and he came running.

It took me two hours to mow the whole lawn! It was nice, though, that I got a tan.

Grandma called me later in the day to thank for mowing the lawn. When I said, "Thanks for letting me do it!", she said, "You are so nice to say that. I love you very much."

Sure, it may annoy me that Ryan doesn't mow the lawn, but I bet he doesn't hear "I love you" from his Grandma as much as I do.


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