Friday, June 16

Envelopes and banana bread

Ross is hosting a fundraiser at Aristo's Greek Restaurant on June 28th. For the past week, I've been trying to get ahold of the owner, Aristo, to confirm the date so I can send out invitations.

Ross has been getting on my case about it and the date is coming up very soon, so I decided that I needed to have Aristo call me today.

I called the restaurant at 11:45am (the best time to reach Aristo) and was told that he wasn't available but was in the restaurant. I told the person on the phone that I needed him to call me within the next hour.

An hour passed, so I called again and received a promise that Aristo would call me by 5pm.

At 4:45pm, I called the restaurant again. The person on the phone said that they were sorry and they were trying to get him to call me. I told the person that it was extremely important for me to talk to Aristo since I needed to print out invitations and mail them in a timely manner. I told him that I had to have Aristo call me in the next 15 minutes because the invitations were going to print.

An hour later, I call again and the guy who I spoke to before apologized. I told him that Aristo could call me at any time tonight--I just needed a confirmation!

At 6:15pm, Aristo called and confirmed the date of the fundraiser. I didn't tell him how annoyed I was because at that point, I was exhausted more than annoyed. Because the date is so soon, we stuffed envelopes tonight with invitations and I'm taking them to the Post Office tomorrow.

I love having friends who are willing to help me out with this! Ben, the intern for the Ross Romero Campaign, was awesome as he gave up his Friday night to help (in fact, he ran around town all day running errands for me--I felt badly!).

Me stuffing envelopes

Scott and Brian working together.


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