Sunday, June 18

Father's Day

I called my father today wishing him a happy Father's day. I feel badly because he always gets the short stick on days like this. For his birthday, Christmas, and Father's day, the most he ever gets is socks, work pants, work shirts, and maybe (if he's lucky) new shoes.

I feel even more badly because I didn't send him a present or a card. When I talked to him on the phone, I said, "Dad, I haven't sent your present because I didn't want Mom to find out that you got a present on Father's day and I still have Mom's present on my kitchen table." He laughed and said, "Rrrrright."

I think I'm lucky that I have a Dad like I do and have a great relationship with him. Many people (especially gay guys) aren't close to their dad as I am with mine. If I'm contemplating a big decision, I always talk to my Dad about it for his thoughts. If I'm nervous about something, talking to my Dad helps me out because he has so much confidence in me.

That's one thing that I love about my Dad--he thinks I'm the greatest. I always feel very important when I'm talking to him and I know he's proud of me.

I also love the example that my Dad is to me. If I had to describe my dad in three words, I would say honest, giving, and caring.

My Dad is the most honest man I know and I think I've learned to be honest more from him than any other person. When in times of doubt, I can always ask myself what my father would do and make the right decision.

Dad also gives of his time to anyone who asks of it (I think that's why I'm such a great mover). He's full of stories of him helping less fortunate people. Especially where my family lives now (poor area of upstate New York), many people ask my Dad for help and he always provides it.

One of the stories that I will probably tell about my Dad at his funeral is about how caring he is, especially toward those people that no one cares for. (As I write this, I tear up because it shows how great my Dad is). There was a kid in my Dad's high school that was friends with nobody except my Dad named "John". John was very poor, had terrible social skills, and was not attractive, yet my Dad saw the godliness in him. Today, John has grown into the same kind of adult and my father is still his friend. I think my Dad told me one time that he saw John as an adult and said, "Lindsay, you are my only friend."

Because of my father, I'm more honest, giving, and caring and try very hard to live up to my father's name.

I wish everyone had a father like mine. Mine never abused me, always loved me, always said he loved me, and gave me someone to look up to and model my life after.

Confidential to Dad: Happy Father's Day Dad. I love you very much!


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