Saturday, June 17

Pride Volunteer Appreciation BBQ

Tonight I hosted the annual Pride Volunteer Appreciation BBQ.

While it wasn't supposed to start until 6pm, one volunteer arrived early (Gary, the guy who hit on my last year and made me really uncomfortable).

The whole event went off about the same as last year. Less people came this year, but I really didn't care. I have lots of food and, just like last year, we'll be having BBQ's for our friends all summer using the food that I bought.

Megan and I with our fabulous cake!

Brian at the barbecue cooking delicious hamburgers!

The party (and what a "party" it was!)

Titus and Brian

Me feeding chocolate to Titus! (Joke!!!!)

Sexy Jesse

Scott with a mouthful.

Shawn with cheese on his back. Haha! Take that Vegan!

My filthy car! I'm only putting this picture here to show what a pig I am! This picture was actually taken as a mistake.

Titus rests after a long day.


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